Tree Traversals
Pre Order
Starting to the left of the root, draw an outline around the tree as shown in Figure 10. As you pass to the left of a node (where the red dot is marked) output the data in that node, i.e. DBACFEG
- If tree empty do nothing
- Visit the root (e.g. print the value of the data item at the root)
- Traverse the left sub-tree in pre-order
- Traverse the right sub-tree in pre-order
In Order
Starting to the left of the root, draw an outline around the tree as shown in Figure 11. As you pass underneath a node (where the blue dot is marked) output the data in that node, i.e. ABCDEFG
- If tree empty do nothing
- Traverse the left sub-tree in in-order
- Visit the root
- Traverse the right sub-tree in in-order
Post Order
Starting to the left of the root, draw an outline around the tree as shown in Figure 12. As you pass to the right of a node (where the green dot is marked) output the data in that node, i.e. ACBEGFD
- If tree empty do nothing
- Traverse the left sub-tree in post-order
- Traverse the right sub-tree in post-order
- Visit the root
Infix / Polish / Reverse Polish
If you create a binary tree for any given expression:
Traversal | Notation |
Pre Order | Polish |
In Order | Infix |
Post Order | Reverse Polish |