Screen Brightness
MonoGame doesn't contain a built in method to set the brightness of the screen. However this can be created by drawing a black rectangle over the top of the screen and adjust the transparency of the rectangle to change the brightness.
Variables Required
You will need to create a 1 by 1 pixel texture as seen in some of the other sections. You will also need a value for the brightness level:
// 1 by 1 texture for pixel
Texture2D pixel;
// A value for the player to control brightness.
float brightnessValue = 0f;
Now in the LoadContent method you need to create a texture and give the brightness a value:
// Create a 1x1 Texture.
pixel = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
// Set the color data to the 1x1 Texture.
pixel.SetData<Color>(new Color [] { Color.White });
// Set a default brightnessValue of 0f (full brightness).
brightnessValue = 0f;
Draw Method
Now in the Draw method of your game, make sure the last thing to be drawn is:
spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(0, 0, graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight), Color.Black * brightnessValue);
Logic to change brightnessValue
You can then use a couple of methods to increase and decrease the brightness:
void IncreaseBrightness()
// Brightness can only be increased if it is under 1f
if (brightnessValue < 1f )
brightnessValue+= .05f;
System.Console.WriteLine("Brightness: {0} %", brightnessValue);
void DecreaseBrightness()
// Brightness can only be decreased if it is above 0.
if (brightnessValue > 0f)
brightnessValue-= .05f;
System.Console.WriteLine("Brightness: {0} %", brightnessValue);