2022 - When you start the game it automatically loads a saved game, adapt it to ask which game to load

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Revision as of 15:28, 13 November 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Issue= When you currently start the game you are prompted "Enter L to load a game from a file, anything else to play a new game:> ". This can be found in the SetupGame method...")
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When you currently start the game you are prompted "Enter L to load a game from a file, anything else to play a new game:> ". This can be found in the SetupGame method of the BreakThrough class. This is shown below:

private void SetupGame()
            string Choice;
            Console.Write("Enter L to load a game from a file, anything else to play a new game:> ");
            Choice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
            if (Choice == "L")
                if (!LoadGame("game1.txt"))
                    GameOver = true;
                for (int Count = 1; Count <= 5; Count++)
                    MoveCard(Deck, Hand, Deck.GetCardNumberAt(0));
                CurrentLock = GetRandomLock();

When you choose to load a game, the program automatically loads "game1.txt".

What you need to do

  • Add the code to ask for a file name
  • test if the file name exists
  • if it does, load that file
  • if it doesn't, load "game1.txt"