Images in models and uploading images
You will need to ensure a module called 'pillow' is installed.
In your '' file you will need to add the following:
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')
You will need to add the following lines to the import statements at the top of the page:
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from .settings import MEDIA_ROOT, MEDIA_URL
Now in your '' we need to add to your URL Patterns, so after the 'urlpatterns' add the following line:
urlpatterns += static(MEDIA_URL, document_root=MEDIA_ROOT)
Your Model
If you have already followed the tutorials on django, you would have created a model (probably for products). We now need to edit this model to add an 'ImageField' for the product.
product_pic = models.ImageField(upload_to = 'products/', default = 'products/no-img.jpg')
The parameters above will set the location and also a default image to use if no image is uploaded. Now in the form for this model you will need to add 'product_pic' by including it in the list of fields:
class Meta:
fields = ['name','manufacturer','description','product_pic']
Now we need to pass the files uploaded into the view, so find your view to add products to the product model. It will currently have 'request.POST' as a parameter for the form, you need to also add 'request.FILES':
form = DocumentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
HTML Template
Now you need to make sure you set the enctype of the form: