Testing if a character is in a word

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You can use the `Contains` method of any string variable to check if part of a string(or a single character) is in the original string.

 1 Console.WriteLine("please enter a word:");
 2 string word = Console.ReadLine();
 3 Console.WriteLine("please enter part of the word:");
 4 string part  = Console.ReadLine();
 6 if(word.Contains(part))
 7 {
 8 	Console.WriteLine("Part found");
 9 }
10 else
11 {
12 	Console.WriteLine("Part not found: ");
13 }
15 Console.ReadLine();

Line 6 above uses the `Contains` method of `word`, the parameter required obviously what you are looking for ie `part`. The contains method will return `true` or `false`, so an if statement could be used.

Looking for vowels

 1 Console.WriteLine("please enter a word:");
 2 string word = Console.ReadLine();
 3 string vowels = "aeiou";
 5 foreach(char c in word)
 6 {
 7 	if(vowels.Contains(c.ToString()))
 8 	{
 9 		Console.WriteLine("Vowel found: "+c);
10 	}
11 }
13 Console.ReadLine();

The above code uses the `Contains` method again. This time line 3 declares a string variable called vowels.

You can then check if a character is in this string. the `ToString()` method is needed because `c` is a char.